meine Testergebnisse findet ihr hier ^^
Du Bist Joey Wheeler Na du fressorgie, deine Duell Kuenste lassen auch
nach. Und Seto macht dich nieder. Such dir
die naechste Brücke.. NEIN HALT! Joey *patpat* gut zu wissen das jemand so aussieht
*sabber lechz*
Wen von den YGO Chara's siehst du am aehnlichsten aus? (+ Bild)
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On which planet you should live on?
Oh wow, you must be lucky or you must really love
Gackt, congradulations! Knowing you, you
probably know every word to every song and have
a bunch of posters, a little obessed maybe, but
anyway, that just showes that Gackt would be
proud to have you as a fan.
Do you think you know Gackt as well as you should?
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You love Gackt!
How much do you hate Gackt?
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You're Yugi! The innocent, slightly clueless main
character. Both these things work to give you
fans for your angelic nature...however, there
are others who believe you're secretly a
badass, and admire that point of veiw on you.
No matter what, you get points with short
Do you share the sex appeal of your fav. Yu-Gi-Oh! character?
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Yugi Muto
Based on your personality which yugioh character are you most like?
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You came from the water. Calm and shy, you know
what you want, but sometimes are afraid to
stand up for yourself.
Where did you come from?
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Du bist ein klein wenig verrueckt und dein Motto
Was fuer ein Metoyou-Baerchen bist du?
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Du bist wie Christina Aguilera, vielseitig, sexy
und ein bisschen "dirrty" ;D
Welchem Musik-Star bist du am ahnlichsten?
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Du bist meistens ausgeglichen. Nichts stoert dich
wirklich, aber so uebergluecklich bist du auch
nicht. Du lebst eben so vor dich hin und
schaust dir alles genau an, bevor du urteilst.
Du hast ja noch genuegend Zeit fuer alle Dinge.
Welche Charaktereigenschaft besitzt du?
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Dependence. Stand up and live your own life, you
can do it alone too!
..:What's your psychological problem?:.. ( Anime Pictures )
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S | is for | Spiritual |
A | is for | Athletic |
N | is for | Nervy |
T | is for | Tasty |
A | is for | Animated |
N | is for | Naughty |
A | is for | Amorous |
SANNY | ||
S | is for | Spunky |
A | is for | Alert |
N | is for | Natural |
N | is for | Nervy |
Y | is for | Yummy |
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